Crystal Goblet / White Night for a Manifesto
(Print, Booklet)
Year: 2019
Specifications: 3.5" x 9"
This book, bound dos-a-dos, combines the essay/pamphlet "The Crystal Goblet" by Beatrice Warde and excerpts from "White Night Before a Manifesto" written by Metahaven Collective.
"The Crytsal Goblet" calls for typographic treatment to be subservient to the content, which this design reflects in its delicate typesetting and subtle embossed thematic elements.
This part of the booklet is bound in a 3-hole pamphlet stitch, referencing the original source’s printed format. Attention was taken to align the top and bottom holes to align with the text block.
The idea of extended material surfaces in "White Night Before a Manifesto" are interpreted with each left-hand page folding out to extend its surface and content, and also features additional question prompts to further enrich the content.